
艺术- 2024年秋季


Classes meet in person on campus; specific days/times/location
Classes meet fully online; no specific days/times/locations
Classes meet via Zoom or other resource; specific days/times
混合型-在线异步 & 在线同步(缩放)
A portion of the classes meet synchronous via Zoom or other resource 和 a portion is asynchronous online; there will be some specific days/times
混合型-网上 & 面对面
A portion of the classes meet in person on campus 和 a portion is asynchronous or synchronous online; there will be some specific days/times/locations
混合型-在线异步 & 在人
Classes meet in both asynchronous online 和 in-person modes; specific meeting times 和 locations for in-person portions of classes are listed with each course
Hybrid - 在线同步(缩放) & 在人
Classes meet in both synchronous online (Zoom) 和 in-person modes; specific meeting times 和 locations are listed with each course
Combines online 和 面对面的 instruction. 学生可参加 different ways: online - synchronous, 在线-异步, 面对面的, or as a flexible learner (student has a degree of choice as to how they p艺术icipate each week).
Flex courses may provide students with the opportunity to meet in-person on campus, on the synchronous days 和 times already scheduled, if 条件允许.
估算credits are developmental courses for students who need to prepare 大学水平的工作. 它们被计入经济援助 requirements but do not count toward earned college credits or GPA.
Classes are taught live from one campus location 和 broadcast to one or 更多的校园地点. Cameras 和 microphones at all sites allow faculty 和 learners to see 和 talk with each other.
艺术 & 设计鉴赏- 4495
1500年艺术 – 3 credits
麦迪逊米. Lavallee

This course will introduce students to contemporary 艺术 & 设计. Using basic 材料 和 processes, students will engage in h和s-on projects that explore the visual language. Assigned readings 和 class presentations will expose students to a range of contemporary 艺术 making practices 和 themes, exp和ing their underst和ing of what ?艺术? 和 ?设计? 可以. 没有必要. 秋天,春天; C fall, spring. 院校课程大纲

8月26日- 12月20日 TBD
图纸I - 4494
1510年艺术 – 3 credits
Kelsey Renko

Students will gain a working knowledge of foundation skills 和 abilities in 艺术istic visual expression. Students are introduced to drawing 媒体 和 concepts. Students learn to draw perceived objects 和 become able to discuss the drawings meaningfully. 没有必要. 秋天,春天. 院校课程大纲

8月26日- 12月20日 TBD
文化艺术I - 4496
1550年艺术 – 3 credits
罗伯特·R. 巴蒂尔

Provides 艺术 和 non-艺术 majors with an overview of the historical evolution of the visual 艺术s from the prehistoric through medieval periods. An overview of 艺术 from non-European cultures is also presented. Students will explore 艺术istic philosophies, 风格, 媒体, 材料, 和 the evolving function of 艺术 in society. Students are introduced to the formal structure of works of 艺术 和 will study new methods 和 材料. Links between technical evolution 和 its relationship to stylistic change are explored. The influence of major philosophical shifts in culture-at-large on the 艺术s is also emphasized. Material is presented through slide lectures, 录像带, 课堂讨论, 和 readings. Course requires extensive reading, some writing, 和 p艺术icipation in discussion groups. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J fall; C occasionally. 院校课程大纲

8月26日- 12月20日 TBD
文化艺术II - 4497
1560年艺术 – 3 credits
罗伯特·R. 巴蒂尔

Provides 艺术 majors 和 non-艺术 majors with an overview of the historical evolution of the visual 艺术s from the Renaissance through contemporary periods. Special lectures on technical development of the 19th 和 20th centuries augment the historical progression. Additional material that extends the discussion of contemporary 艺术 is introduced. Students explore 艺术istic philosophies, 风格, 媒体, 材料, 和 the evolution of 艺术's function in society. Material is presented through slide lectures, 录像带, 课堂讨论, 以及指定阅读材料. Course requires extensive reading, some writing, 和 p艺术icipation in discussion groups. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J spring; C occasionally. 院校课程大纲

8月26日- 12月20日 TBD
平面设计I - 4493
1730年艺术 – 3 credits

Students will be introduced to graphic 设计 concepts 和 skills as a form of visual communication. Fundamentals of language 和 principles of graphic 设计 structure with an emphasis on 媒体 for development of ideas 和 imagery. 学生将研究, 创建缩略图, 完善草图, 并制定视觉解决方案, integrating these components into their 设计 projects. Students focus on the details of page composition 和 the relationship of space to clarity, 易读性与美学. 没有必要的. 秋天,春天. 院校课程大纲

8月26日- 12月20日 TBD
动画- 4477
2550年艺术 – 3 credits

Students will be introduced to animation as a contemporary 艺术 和 设计 form. Students will use Adobe Creative Software or Blender in addition to emerging software to create st和alone 和 interactive animations based upon a story or theme. The course will begin with an introduction to the history, types 和 basic principles of animation as well as an overview of animation software. Students will continue to develop skills through concept-based assignments. Prerequisite/Corequisite: 1510年艺术. 秋天,春天. 院校课程大纲

8月26日- 12月20日 TBD